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Experts in teenage skin and hair care Learn more

The Cosmetic Science Guide to Marketing Terms

Nasties – What, like Goblins and Trolls?  This is a classic marketing word used to sum up the lack of cosmetic science education within the company’s marketing / ownership structure. Individual...

Effortless Hair Care Tips

A quick and easy guide for young adult hair.  Tips and advice for cleansing and keeping your hair in it's best possible condition.  For a more in depth article go to...

Debunking Acne "Cures" and TikTok Beauty Hacks

In an age where information is abundant but not always accurate, it's vital to approach skincare with a critical mind. For all of us but especially young adults to understand their skincare products,...

Teenage Skin Survival Guide: Must-Read Tips

During adolescence, hormonal changes can affect our bodies.  From increased oil production which can sometimes lead to acne to body odour and greasy hair.  Understand these developments and know that...

Why is Personal Hygiene Important?

Good hygiene is an important aspect of social interactions, especially during the teenage years when individuals are more acutely aware of their peer group. It's not just about preventing body...

Caring for Teenage Skin During The Winter Months

Caring for teenage skin during the British winter is about balancing cleansing and moisturisation, protecting from harsh weather and overall health. Following these guidelines, young adults can maintain healthy, resilient...

Don’t Sweat it | Hygiene tips for active teens

It's not just about cleanliness; it's about encouraging a sense of self-care and confidence. Habits, formed during these formative years, lay the foundation for a healthy, confident and well-balanced adult...

How to Avoid Spots at Christmas

Christmas! A time of joy, festivities and irritatingly, spots.  While we’re decking the halls and sipping on mulled wine our skin can often throw a bit of a seasonal tantrum....

The Best Hair Care Advice for Young Adults

Our hair, just like our skin, influences the way we feel about ourselves. It’s important. Everything from cleansing and conditioning to styling and treating will have an impact on our...

How to Have Good Skin as a Young Adult

Be wary of ‘miracle’ products and '30 day money back' offers - the skin’s natural turnover is a c.28 day cycle so it would probably improve anyway and miracles are...


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